One of the ways that I like to get seriously delish whole foods, whilst also sticking to my budget, is to ask friends and family if they are going to use their turkey bones. It's amazing how many people don't know how delicious turkey stock is, and how nutritious it is, let alone ever make it!
Thing is, it's just as easy to make turkey stock as it is to make chicken or veggie stock. I hear seafood stock is easy to make too, but I haven't made it yet (though I'd imagine it would make delicious soup!)--maybe that's a discovery I'll come to sometime in the future!
Anyway, this year I wasn't able to score the bones for free, so I decided to budget to buy a "small" turkey. The one I ended up getting was about 10 kg/13 lbs. Not huge by turkey standards, but it will yield a lot of dinners for the $24 and change I spent.
The key to making good turkey stock, other than simmering for a loooooong time, is to season the bird with all the herbs and spices you would want to include in the stock. It took me a few years to realize that I was wasting money (albeit only a little) and time, adding the seasonings to the pot instead of to the bird. Since the turkey roasts for so long, on a low temperature, the flavours infuse the bird and thus will infuse the stock. I don't normally eat the skin, unless it's very crispy (it's a texture thing), so all the seasoned skin goes into the stock pot.
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Fully Seasoned Cooked Turkey |
garlic bits (you can use powder or fresh garlic if you like), poultry seasoning, sage (I like sage a lot, but if you don't, then skip the sage, as there is sage in the poultry seasoning). If you have it, putting fresh sprigs of herbs like sage, thyme, rosemary inside the bird, along with salt, will season from within, as you season from without.
Be sure to sprinkle some of the seasoning in the roasting pan too, to season your gravy!
The pic doesn't really do it justice (darned camera phone!), but you get the idea. This is the cooked product.
Keep in mind that cooking the turkey, and making the stock, takes many hours, to be sure to make the turkey one day, and stock the following day. It's just much nicer to not have to be watching the clock constantly, isn't it?
So I made the turkey yesterday, (here's a link to how long to cook a turkey for), and put it in the fridge overnight.
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Turkey Breast |
Today, I sat down to watch The Avengers (I'm still watching it lol), and picked apart the turkey. I put all the breast meat into a container to put in the freezer, and set aside all the rest (including the skin, and the legs and wings) to make the stock out of.
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In the Instant Pot |
I didn't remove the dark meat from the legs and thighs, because I wanted it to add flavour to the stock. I'm not a fan, for whatever reason, so I'm happy to use it to make my stock yummy!
Right now, on the TV, Loki is learning about the cage he's been placed in, which will be dropped 30,000 feet if he's naughty. Meanwhile in the kitchen, I have both my Crock Pot and my Instant Pot cooking away making stock, since there wasn't enough room in one LOL. I have a big stock pot, but I can't find the lid, so 2 batches works fine.
In fact, it inspired an experiment--what is the difference between doing the stock in the Crock Pot the whole time (probably around 6 hours), vs using the "Soup" button in the Instant Pot, for say 3 hours?
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In the Crock Pot |
I set the IP to "Soup" to cook for 1 hour, and set the CP to "High" for one hour. It's very important to start any meat stock off by heating it to high temperature quickly, so it doesn't spend much time in the "danger zone" for bacteria growth. This is doubly important if you're cooking meat from raw
in any kind of slow-cooking way--the raw meat cannot sit between 40F and 140F for long, as that's the preferred temperature for them to get their boogie on, and start making bacteria babies. Which is very bad for YOU!!
For this first hour, I'm simply cooking the turkey bones in water. When you fill either your slow-cooker or your Instant pot, be sure to NOT fill it up to the full-line--remember that it needs room to boil (for the slow cooker), and both will have veggies added in an hour, so there needs to be room for that. If you find you didn't add enough water, after you add the veggies, go ahead and add more. No sweat!
I'm cooking it for an hour first, because I want it to fall apart a little, to make room for the veggies I'm going to add--seriously, who knew that such a small turkey would actually be so big?! LOL Good news is it'll make a lot of meals! In addition to stock and soup, I think I'm going to try making Turkey A La King. I've never made it before, though I understand it's easy. I haven't had it since I was a kid, but I remember really liking it. I found this recipe that has real ingredients, which I'll follow, but I won't use the sherry (unless I can use rice wine? That I have in my pantry), I'll be making half the recipe (3 servings instead of 6), and probably use 2 tbsp butter, and whole/homo milk. I'm sure 4 tbsp butter is delicious, but that's kinda a lot for 3 servings LOL. It should be delicious, since I'm using home-made turkey stock!
Time now to check on the progress of the stock in the 2 pots. On The Avengers, Thor made Hulk angry (don't make Hulk angry!), and now he's trying to get Hulk to listen to reason (LOL!), while Tony and Captain America are trying to play nice and save the airship. So much drama. Why can't they all just get along? Go for shawarma?
Turns out the CP still hasn't come to a boil, despite it being an hour and it's on high and I used hot water (even more of a reason to put it on high not low for the first while in your slowcooker!), and the IP is currently venting. Venting the Instant Pot when it's full of water means slowly releasing the pressure--you don't want that hot broth spewing out the release valve! Once it's fully opened, it takes about a minute to fully release so you can open it.
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L - Crock Pot R - Instant Pot @ 3 hours each |
Between the two pots, I added 1 coarsely-chopped onion (I used a yellow cooking onion, but any white or yellow onion will probably do), 3 coarsely-chopped carrots, and 4 coarsely-chopped celery stalks. You can add any number of types of veggies, really, but these are the 3 I like to add to my stocks, and they are also the 3 I had in the fridge!
At this point you may also like to add a stock cube, depending on your taste. It will be plenty flavourful on its own, but if you decide you want to, make sure that it's low in sodium. Most stock cubes are SUPER filled with sodium, and you really don't want to do that to your healthy stock! If you need to add sea salt for flavour later, that's fine, but 1000mg + is WAAAAY too much.
My slow cooker isn't boiling yet, so I still have it on "High". Once it's boiling, I'll put it on low for the remaining time. The IP I've set for another 2 hours (shows as 120 minutes) on the "Soup" setting. Once the IP is done those 2 hours, I'm considering it done, and will strain it and then put it in the fridge to cool. Hopefully it cools in a few hours, because I want to skim the excess fat AND make soup tonight, for lunch at work tomorrow. Tall order? We'll see. It's 1:49pm.
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Delicious Soup! |
However, soup was made the following day. What you want to do, when cooking any kind of bone broth/stock, is allow your stock to cool overnight in the fridge, and then skim any fat which has collected on the top. It hardens in the fridge, so it's easy to remove! Depending on what you're using, it could be a quite thick layer to remove. I once had it come up in just 2 pieces. Can't get much easier than that!
To about 4 cups of stock, I added a bit of light soy sauce, a drop of sesame oil, a bit of salt and pepper, and chopped and added a couple of carrots, stalks of celery, some chopped onion, and a handful of mushrooms. Simmered for about 15 minutes, and ate. Simple, and delicious!
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Gorgeous Turkey Broth |
The remaining stock, I froze in ice-cube trays, which I will transfer to a container in the freezer. They're super handy when you're cooking--just thaw and use, or if you're using it for something like seasoning rice when it's cooking, or using it as seasoning in a stir-fry, just add it to the water or to the pan.
As for The Great Turkey Stock Experiment--turns out that 6 hours in the slow cooker was VERY similar to 3 hours in the Instant Pot. Good to know!
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