I'd made a commitment to go mostly raw, as you may have read in my previous post. I wasn't sure how it would go, not because I didn't have a plan to make totally delish raw food, but because I wondered if my mind would go to the "food poverty" place. Knowing that I wanted to eat mostly raw, which meant not eating a lot of other stuff, may set me off to thinking that I was deprived.
I started on the Saturday (the 17th), after I'd gone to my local farmer's market for the whack and a half of plants I'd need to keep me nourished over the next week. See the pic to the right of my fridge--it was stuffed in every nook and cranny, and there were also fruits on my kitchen table like apples, bananas, young coconuts and a fresh pineapple.

I also made sure to take pictures of some of the things that I'd made over the week that were pretty enough to share!
On the top left, was the first thing I made on that first Saturday--a big shredded salad. Very quick and easy, with a food processor with the grating blade!
I don't really like raw mushrooms, thought I love cooked mushrooms. So since I wanted to eat them raw, I sliced and them marinated them in Bragg's soy seasoning and lemon juice, while I was grating and chopping the salad. I grated zucchini, carrots, and a beet, and thinly sliced fresh green onions. I added radish sprouts. Finally, I made a dressing of cold-pressed olive oil, lemon juice, and honey.
WOW! It was tasty and quite filling! It must have been all the root vegetables. That's a lot of fibre!

The second image is going to take a bit of imagination on your part! ;) It's actually a surprisingly tasty raw taco. The 'meat' is made up of wanuts and spices, courtesy of Dan MacDonald the Liferegenerator. He's so kooky! But watching his videos make me crave fruits and veggies, so it's inspiring.
To go with the 'meat', I added slices of fresh avocado, fresh sprouts, and I also made a mango chutney out of cubed mango, lime juice, a tiny bit of sea salt, a bit of fresh chili, and chopped fresh cilantro. AND I added mushrooms, marinated with the same ingredients as before, but I also added some smoked paprika, because I thought it would be a nice compliment to the nut meat. I wrapped the whole thing in two lettuce leaves.
It was definitely different than what I would think of a taco, but it was also quite intreguing tasting! Everything complemented everything else, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was different, but a good different! I couldn't believe everything in it was a plant. Seriously--you wouldn't have thought it by the taste and texture!
The third image on the left is the heavenly green smoothie just finished in the blender. I told you it was big!! I used one whole young coconut (the water and the flesh), about 1/2 a pineapple (because I needed to use it up), and 2 or 3 big handfuls of spinach. Spinach has no taste in smoothies, so you can get away with using quite a bit. It was pretty thick, but oh so good!
A friend of mine and I have also been drinking a green superjuice each day for the past 2 weeks. It's called Lemon Ginger Blast, from the same Mr. Liferegenerator. If you watch the video, you'll note that he makes it with habanero peppers. Now, no freaking way was I going to make it with even a teensy piece of habanero, let alone a whole one! So, I made it with a small piece of jalapeno in each serving. Wimpy? Maybe. Alive? YES!!

On a non food-related note, I've really enjoyed the first week of this raw thing. So much, I'm going to continue for at least another week! All new food! All new experiences! I'm so excited!!