Today we have Kymberly Morgan, who has been including raw foods in her life for the past couple of years, and who recently decided to embark on a 3-day raw juice detox. Check it out!
At the beginning of spring, I was feeling
rather inspired to take on another “Juicy June” detox fast, which is sponsored
by Carla Douglin’s ‘Raw Raw Life’ website, Facebook page and books. My friend and fellow Eat-Clean Diet
Ambassador Amacuba, who is also a co-writer and editor of Carla’s books, has inspired me
for the past couple of years to try juicing, eating raw, and purchase
appliances to make this experience not only easier, but fun as well.
Have you ever made spiral cut zucchini,
beets, carrots, cucumbers, or jicama?
Not only is it fun to use a spiral machine, but the outcome is
beautiful! Amacuba assisted me in
finding an inexpensive yet good quality spiral machine last year. Many terrific raw recipes have been created
in my kitchen with my machine since I purchased it. Raw vegetables are
transformed into beautiful spiral rings of tantalizing colors- orange, yellow,
green, white… What ever you are able to spiral cut, the results will be
The variety of recipes you can create
with spiraled raw vegetables are plentiful.
I've made the most beautiful bowl of what appears to be vegetable pasta,
but is really just spiraled veggies.
I've created beautiful raw salads, fun soups for my grandchildren--not
raw, but hey, it’s totally healthy if made clean! I've created hors'doeuvres of spiraled zucchini wrapped around a chunk of roma tomato with a
small slice of mozzarella cheese inside of it.
Raw spiraled veggies make an incredibly delicious Chinese salad, and the
presentation is stunning!
Eating raw is a
great way to eat clean and detox your liver, colon, kidneys, gallbladder, and
lungs. Raw fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of water, vitamins, and
nutrients that are imperative for vital organ function. However, I decided to take detoxing my organs
to a whole new level this spring.
After watching
Carla Douglin’s ‘Raw Raw Life’ videos on YouTube, I decided to try a raw juice
fast/detox again this year. I've tried
them a few times in the past, but was never able to fully commit to, or stick
with a juice fast. Being an admitted
recovering over-eater and food-binger, I was highly skeptical the first time I
considered a juice fast.
I had many
concerns about fasting on juice, and the most obvious for a recovering
over-eater was the “deprivation” factor.
One would assume that, if only consuming juice, they would feel
deprived at the lack of chew-able foods.
This concerned me. The mere
thought of not being able to chew food gave me anxiety. When I feel “deprived” from food, my brain goes
into the automatic mental darkness of stress, and immediately starts talking to
me in McDonald’s language of salty, greasy French fries. I've been eating
clean for 3 years now; I have no intention of having cravings for a Big Mac!
To set “rules” and
deprive myself of food, my brain goes straight into that “have to have it”
mode. Sure, I have learned how to
control that urge through eating clean and being a member of Overeaters
Anonymous, but still, why would I want to put myself through that? After giving this very issue some serious
thought, I decided to do what I tell my Eat-Clean support group to do: Face
your fears and confront them head on.
It’s been said that you must do the thing you fear the most. Well, welcome to my biggest fear: Not being able to eat, chew, and enjoy real
I decided that I
would give Raw Raw Life’s ‘Juicy June’ a try.
After all, what’s the worst that could happen? I might actually like it? Okay, I still wasn't convinced. But I did make the commitment, and I started
prepping for my juice fast last week. I
went to our local farmer’s market at the beach last Friday and purchased a
beautiful arrangement of produce--from beets to zucchini, kale, carrots,
cucumbers, and a variety of fruits and fresh ginger.

I went to bed
early Friday night, got a good night of sleep, and arose bright and early
Saturday morning with a “let’s do this!” attitude of fierceness! As Carla often says, “Juice early, juice
often.” I juiced early, and it was
good! It took me nearly an hour to
finish my first glass of juice. It was the “juice often” part of the equation
that I had trouble with.

Thank goodness
Carla posted YouTube videos pertaining to juice fasting! She explained that I was feeling ‘mentalhunger,’ and not ‘physical hunger.’ She
was right! Once I took my mind off of
the feelings of food deprivation from what I could not have, I began to think about all of the things that I could have--beautiful, delicious,
healthy raw juice made in my own kitchen;
a cleansed colon, liver, stomach, gallbladder, kidneys, lungs; clear skin, improved vision, clean and
improved blood. There are so many
positive things that I was providing for my body by committing to a juice fast
detox. I began to focus on the healthy
elements instead of the mental anguish of deprivation.
I decided to get
out of the house, and re-focus my thoughts and energy. It took my mind off of ‘myself,’ and allowed
me to get some fresh air and mild exercise.
That first night, I slept well. As a matter of fact, I slept very well.
I woke up ready to juice the next morning, day 2 of my juice fast, and felt
energetic and alive. It was at this point that I knew my body was responding
well, and I decided to continue with the fast.
I did experience weak periods throughout the day, and needed to rest a
lot. I had a headache through the
majority of the detox, and my skin broke out horrifically.
Those are the
exact signs that your body is properly detoxing, so I knew that I just needed
to continue on and wait it out, which is exactly what I did. Day 3 was pretty easy, and my detox symptoms
began to dissipate. I felt great by the
time I went to bed that night, and gave myself a good talking to about doubt
and fear. I felt so good the next
morning that I decided to have a huge glass of freshly made juice for
breakfast, even though my juice fast detox was over.

The final results
of my juice fast are remarkable. I’ve
lost 4 pounds, I’m sleeping fabulously at night, I’m waking up with energy and
strength, and my stomach issues of bloating and gas have gone away. My skin has cleared up, and I feel much
lighter. I’m so happy with the outcome
from my 3 day juice fast, that I am recommitting to another juice fast soon- a
5 day juice fast! Eventually, I’d like
to work my way up to a full 28 day juice detox fast. But for me personally, I know that is exactly
what I must do: I must work my way up to it! For me, it’s all about small steps, one day at
a time. Won’t you give it a try,
too? Your body and mind will surely thank
you for it!
~Kymberly Morgan
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